How much should a good game cost? Should how we pay color the quality of our play?
The Dark Knight Reflects
Christopher Nolan’s passion play is the most successful super-hero movie series to date, in my mind. While I will admit there are some rough edges in the writing and plotting of the individual movies, the true genius of the series is only apparent when examining it as a whole. It is only at that scale can we see what this movie series offers that others do not: a emotional journey that evolves over more than one film, and provides real closure for that arc.
Prince’s Puppet Show: Purple Rain
I hadn’t seen Purple Rain for years, and I may have been trying to get to second base when it was last on the tube. In any case, I didn’t come to my recent viewing remembering very much. Let’s get one thing clear up front: Purple Rain is not for everyone. If you’re not into poet shirts and eyeliner--or the music of Prince--you should probably flounce right on by this movie. But you’d be missing a seminal example of rock and roll filmmaking.
Getting things off the ground: A Colophon
Criterion Criteria
Starting Over...
Well. Here we are. Again.
Have had several personal blogging/writing efforts go fallow in the past. The last time I wrote for public consumption regularly, I was getting paid for it. At a certain point, life changed and the writing stopped.
I feel writing with the thought of public consumption brought a tightness to my composition that I've lost. I meander in my workaday writing, and even in my thoughts.
There's no other theme than that in place right now. I expect that we'll cover Music, Movies, Games and other bits of culture. Let's see where we end up.